Lectors proclaim the Word of God. Men, women and children serve in this ministry by proclaiming the scriptures to the assembly during Mass or other liturgies. An ideal lector is one who has a strong, clear speaking voice, who has a love for the scriptures, and who is eager to grow in an understanding of the Word of God. A brief training period is required.
Contact: Richard Strekal at [email protected]
or the Parish Office at 440-777-5050
Communion Ministers assist in the distribution of the Eucharist at Liturgy and also take Communion to nursing home residents and homebound parishioners.
Contact: Richard Strekal at [email protected]
or the Parish Office at 440-777-5050
This ministry is open to the youth and adults of the parish beginning in fourth grade. They assist the priest at the altar during Mass.
Contact: the Parish Office at 440-777-5050
January - March 2025 Greeter's Schedule
This ministry is open to men and women and families of the parish. They greet people at all weekend liturgies.
Contact: Dennis Richnasky at the Parish Office at 440-777-5050
The ushers ask a family to take up the gifts at the Offertory Procession. They are responsible for taking up the collection and directing people at Communion. As people leave church, they distribute bulletins.
Contact: Dennis Richnasky or Jim Tobin at the Parish Office 440-777-5050
Adults assist at the altar for funeral services. This ministry is open to all men and women of the parish.
Contact: the Parish Office at 440-777-5050