Music ministers lead the assembly in the singing of the liturgy. New members are always welcome. Interested parishioners are invited to contact the Director of Music to participate in Music Ministry.
Cantors proclaim the Responsorial Psalm, the Gospel Alleluia, and lead the assembly in song. Anyone wishing to serve as a cantor should contact Thomas Czajkowski, Saint Richard Music Director, before or after any weekend mass.
The Adult Choir leads the singing at Sunday Mass, 10:15 AM Mass. They provide prelude, interlude and postlude selections. The choir sings for special feasts such as the Easter, Triduum, Christmas, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, and more. Rehearsals are at 7:00 PM on Thursday evenings. There are no summer rehearsals. Formal vocal experience is not required. Please contact Tom Czajkowski, St. Richard Music Director, before or after any weekend mass.
Do you have a talent of playing a musical instrument and wish to play at Mass? Currently a violinist and flutist accompany a Mass once a month.
The adult funeral choir leads the singing at funeral Masses.
Please contact Tom Czajkowski, if you wish to be contacted for this ministry.