Consult the bulletin, calendar, or contact
the Parish Office at 440-777-5050
for more information or to join a group
Issues related to the care of the poor, justice, peace, and respect for life are deeply rooted in the gospel message and in the Catholic tradition. Our Mission is to provide opportunities that will involve St. Richard Parish in outreach programs. These programs help serve a need in our own parish community, the city of North Olmsted, and surrounding communities in need.
We provide assistance to Metro Catholic High School to provide their students with a wonderful Christmas.
Advent Giving Tree
We collect items that serve critical needs of this community and various other service agencies.
Hats, Gloves, Scarves, and Socks for the homeless are collected during the month of February, and delivered to shelters and food kitchens.
Critical items for our own community and service agencies are collected during Lent.
Community Meal
In conjunction with the North Olmsted United Methodist Church, we prepare and serve two meals, May and October, at their location. Over 100 people are served on the last Thursday of each month.
Casserole Caravan
Volunteers from our parish, prepare and serve a meal every other month to feed the homeless and those in need at St. Patrick's Church on Bridge Street.
Please contact the following people for more information.
Rita Backus [email protected]
Cynthia Farkas cynthiafarkas46@gmail.
Debbie Holdash holdashd@roadrunner.
This group visits the homebound, nursing homes and hospitals. They also plan the annual Anointing Mass as well as the All Souls’ Day liturgy. Many have received special training for this ministry. All are welcome to join these active parishioners.
Communion to Homebound
These are Eucharistic Ministers who have been trained to take communion to the homebound. Some of these Eucharistic ministers also provide a Sunday Communion Service at Joshua Tree Care Center and assist Fr. Thomas G. Woost at a monthly mass.
Members collect and distribute food in conjunction with the North Olmsted Oxcart Pantry. They also provide confidential aid for those in need living in North Olmsted or St. Richard/St. Brendan parishioners; work with various agencies: including North Olmsted Senior Center, Oxcart Pantry, and Love, Inc. to meet the needs of their clients.
Food Collection
A large bin at the east door and Lorain Road entrances is provided for on-going food donations. Donations are given to the North Olmsted Oxcart Pantry to help local families in need.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
St. Richard Church assists the North Olmsted Oxcart Pantry with their Thanksgiving dinner basket preparations for the less fortunate of North Olmsted. Monetary donations to the North Olmsted Oxcart Pantry are also accepted. If you wish to make such a donation, please place your check (written to the North Olmsted Oxcart Pantry) or cash in a separate envelope marked “Oxcart Collection”. This envelope can be placed in the offertory collection basket or dropped off at the parish office.
At the Thanksgiving Day liturgy, food and monetary donations are collected to replenish supplies for the Oxcart Pantry. Place your donations in the baskets placed on the steps of the altar. Please consider helping the less fortunate in our city.
Giant Eagle Bakery Donations
Every day, for more than 25 years, a volunteer picks up the day old bakery from Giant Eagle and delivers it to a westside Cleveland charity. Some of the charities include: St. Herman's Shelter, Westside Catholic Center, St. Malachi, Cleveland Christian Home, St. Ignatius, and others based on their needs.
To assist with this ministry, contact the parish office: 440-777-5050
Helps to keep the parish informed of current life issues, from the unborn child through the end of life, as well as various parish activities such as Baby Bottle Campaign, Christmas in July, and Holy Hours.
Forty Days for Life Prayer Vigil
40 Days for Life is an international organization whose goal is to end abortion. Each Spring and Fall Christians take part in 40 Days for Life: 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re invited to stand and peacefully pray weekly with other St. Richard Parishioners. See the bulletin for specific days and times beginning each February and September.
Local Office Webite/Information:
Baby Bottle Campaign
This campaign to benefit Cornerstone runs from Mother’s Day through Father’s Day. Take home a Baby Bottle from the pregnancy resource center, Cornerstone Pregnancy Services, available at the church entrances Mother’s Day weekend Masses. Fill it with a check, cash, or coins and return it on Father’s Day weekend Masses or dropped off at the Parish Office. The donations from these Baby Bottles fund the center’s programs that help women in a crisis pregnancy. Please pray for the mothers and babies whose lives you will be helping by donating to this life-saving program.
Christmas in July for Birthright
This is an annual baby item collection – sizes newborn to six months. All donations are greatly needed especially during the lean summer months. Birthright is dedicated to the belief “that every woman has a right to give birth and that every baby has a right to be born.” Each month Birthright provides pregnancy tests, layettes for newborn babies, formula, diapers, and maternity clothes to their clients. Birthright has many personal and confidential services available to help women in need. Through our parish’s continued support we participate directly in the work of Birthright.
Fast & Pray to Change Hearts
Respect Life Group initiated this self propelled 9 month “Fast & Pray” for our parish on the 3rd Wed. of the month until October through June. Fasting can be done by limiting meals, desserts, coffee, etc. whatever would be a sacrifice for you. Praying can consist of any prayers offered for our parish including rosaries, novenas, or personal prayers. Sacrifices can be offered up as well as works of penance, or by attending a holy hour/benediction, etc. All fasting and prayers are offered for our parish community to strengthen and change hearts, to reawaken and bring Catholics back to Church, in relationship with Jesus, and for a spiritual renewal with many blessings. Choose your favorite day, place, and way to pray.